Kitchen Guide 101: How to Make Own Homemade Sprinkles

  • 09, Jul, 2024
Kitchen Guide 101: How to Make Own Homemade Sprinkles

Sprinkles are probably the biggest boon to our culinary world after spices because a handful of savory bits can zest up any meal.

For those with their kitchen, here is an easy homemade sprinkle recipe that goes well with various dishes and requires only a handful of ingredients.

ICYMI: We have provided two recipes: sweet sprinkles for desserts and a spicy one for soups, broths, and regular meals.

1. Sugary Bits n’ Bites

Here is the recipe for homemade sugary sprinkles introduced by John Kanell from Preppy Kitchen, using only a handful of ingredients you can easily find.

You can add these crunchy bits to cakes, pastries, cookies, brownies, and ice cream and save them later in the fridge or cupboard.


  • Light Corn Syrup/1 teaspoon
  • Cornstarch/1 tablespoon
  • Vanilla Extract/1 teaspoon
  • Food Coloring/As Desired
  • Powdered or Granulated Sugar
  • Water/1-2 teaspoons

Step by Step Instructions

  • This recipe is for a small serving. Start with mixing dry ingredients. Take a bowl and combine the sugar and cornstarch.
  • Mix the food coloring with the vanilla extract and water in a separate bowl.
  • The next step is to pour the liquid into the sugar and cornstarch mix and stir continuously to create a blend.
  • Do not forget to stir continuously so to avoid creating lumps. Add more water if needed, but avoid making the mixture too wet.
  • The next step is to dry the mixture. Spread the mixture thinly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Otherwise, add the liquid into the pipe and squeeze thin layers evenly on the parchment paper.
  • Let it dry well at room temperature for several hours or overnight until completely dry.
  • Finally, you break the structure into small sprinkle-sized pieces by crumbling it into your palm or using a rolling pin to create smaller bits.
  • Avoid excessively crumbling sprinkles to avoid turning them into dust.

Storage Tips

Sprinkles left in the open will quickly dry out and break or even melt and stick together in the presence of heat and humidity.

Consider transferring the sprinkles to an airtight container for storage. Even better, choose a cool, dry place away from sunlight to keep it safe for a long time.


You can use sweet sprinkles in various meals, including toppings for cakes, pastries, ice cream, glazed and chocolate donuts, milkshakes, etc.

2. Chilly Peanut Sprinkle

Unlike sweet sprinkles, a spicy peanut sprinkle is a prepared mixing of peanuts with various condiments and spices.

Here is a recipe for those spicy peanut sprinkles, Seroendeng. You can garnish your soups, broths, noodles, and fried rice with them, primarily sourced from a Southeast Asian kitchen.


  • Thai red chilies, Paprika, or chili flakes
  • Roasted peanuts/1-2 cups
  • Crispy shallots/1-2 cups
  • Salt/1-2 teaspoon
  • Kefir lime leaf/2-3 leaves
  • Optional: Garlic powder
  • Optional: Dried shrimp or toasted coconut

Step by Step Instructions

  • Start by removing chili stems and toasting them on a pan on low heat for a few minutes.
  • Ensure it does not burn by continuously tossing it around on the pan.
  • Roast the raw peanuts in the same pan for a few minutes until they harden; otherwise, you can use a fresh packet of roasted peanuts.
  • Place chilies and peanuts into a food processor and pulse a few times to keep the large crumbs instead of dust.
  • Add crispy shallots, salt, and broken kefir lime leaves into a bowl and mix.
  • Add garlic powder, dried shrimp, or toasted coconut to add a unique zest.

Storage Tips

For example, when storing homemade sprinkles, choose a clear box with a lid and keep it away from sunlight in a cool, dry place.

You can move it into the fridge to extend its shelf life, but avoid keeping it in a freezer. 


Spicy sprinkles go well with East and South Asian cuisines, including Pho, broths, soups, noodles, and fried or stirred items.

Alternatively, you can use it instead of pickles and eat it with homemade meals, including rice, dal, fried rice, chapattis, etc.

To Sum It Up

Making homemade sprinkles may offer many advantages compared to market-bought sprinkles.

You can slightly or significantly twist the flavor per your preference and store them for future use.

Contact Flavorup Sprinkles if you wish to buy homemade peanut and peanut sprinkles.