How Much Sprinkles Is Enough For The Topping?

  • 27, May, 2024
How Much Sprinkles Is Enough For The Topping?

When we say Sprinkles, most of us imagine colorful, sweet condiments used for decorating cakes and stuff, but sprinkles can be a whole lot more than sweetened toppings.

Today, we have Miss Betty Simpson, a home chef with years of cooking and crafting experience, to answer some of our queries about sprinkle types and how much to use them.

Interviewer: To begin with, what are the different types of sprinkles available in the market?

Ms. Simpson: There is a wide range of sprinkles available. Simply put, whatever you sprinkle over your meal before eating is technically a sprinkle, but yes, there are a few varieties commonly used as condiments.

For instance, peanut sprinkles are made from fried peanuts blended with hot pepper, salt, and spices, finely chopped to make delectable crunches. You can add them to almost anything: soup, broth, noodles, you name it.

Other than these, you can find dried shrimp that provide seafood flavor, confetti that has a sugary taste, and nuts and seeds that provide brittleness and crunch in each bite.

Many European and Asian cuisines use herbs and dried flowers for sprinkles.

Interviewer: Is there a limit to how much sprinkles you can add to any meal?

Ms. Simpson: Well, it depends. Since sprinkles come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and flavors, the right amount depends on several factors: size, texture, and mildness of sprinkles, the type of dish, and personal preference.

Vietnamese Pho requires a handful of peanut sprinkles. Less is never more when it comes to Pho.

Remember to start with a thin layer and consider the size and strength of your sprinkles, along with the delicacy of your food. 

Rich sprinkles go well with mild-tasting food, while sweet or mild sprinkles can add a unique zest to rich foods.

You can balance a sugary meal with a seasoned topping or bland salads and soups with sweet and crumbly seeds.

Let's say, for breakfast lovers, adding small nutty and crunchy nuts to pancakes or waffles can make the morning meal feel like a celebration.

Interviewer: How Do the Size and Flavor Affect the Amount of Sprinkles?

Ms. Simpson: Items such as Rainbow Jimmies and Nonpareils are sweeteners, so you can use them to cover and decorate whole foods like cakes and ice cream sundaes.

However, heavier sprinkles like Peanut Sprinkles and Hemp Seeds can change the flavor, so be mindful of the amount you are using. Shower them moderately, taste the meal, then add more if necessary.

Interviewer: Talking about dessert, How Much Sprinkles Should You Use to Decorate a Cupcake?

Ms. Simpson: A rule of thumb is two to three ounces of sprinkles for a dozen cupcakes.

Here is a tip: Dip the frosted cupcakes upside down into a shallow bowl filled with sprinkles, then gently lift them straight up, creating a beautiful, even coating over the cupcakes.

Interviewer: What Variety of Food Do Sprinkles Go into: Continental, Spanish, Latin, Asian, etc.?

Ms. Simpson: Sprinkles go into almost anything!

Amazingly, you can elevate continental dishes like fruit tarts with powdered sugar and silver dragees. Spanish and Latin American food items such as churros and tres leches traditionally come dusted with cinnamon sugar and chopped nuts for a delightful texture.

The history of sprinkles in European and Asian cuisines goes beyond three centuries, incorporating various kinds of seasoning flakes, chopped nuts, and seeds into several raw and cooked foods.

In fact, Asian people have long been using dried basil, cilantro, cardamom, chili, and many other herbs as toppings. Mochi, a Japanese rice cake treat, can be sprinkled with roasted soybean flour (kinako) for a subtle sweetness.

You can also try mixing different regional dishes with many flavored and spiced sprinkles according to your taste preference.

Interviewer: Would you recommend adding flavored sprinkles to Italian cuisines that do not generally need additional condiments?

Ms. Simpson: A good question, though! Although Italian cuisines have a variety of seasonings and attributes, one can always enjoy surplus zings.

Add extra chili flakes, dried seaweeds, or grounded nuts in pizza, pasta, and risotto.

Sprinkles are all about discovering new aromas, qualities in foods that we love. So yes, if you feel like it, you may zest up all kinds of dishes with different sprinkle combinations and try out new flavors.

Interviewer: One of our readers, David, loves trying new flavor combinations. Can you mix too many different types of Sprinkles on a single dish?

Ms. Simpson: Absolutely, you can! For example, you can combine Toasted Coconut Flakes and Peanut Sprinkles into mashed potatoes to get a sweet taste and a nutty crunch.

Another example can be mixing spicy Shrimp Sprinkles into boiling noodles and dried cilantro powder after the meal is ready.

However, be mindful of the dish's nature and the types and amounts of sprinkles you use. Do not get too excited and mix the wrong combinations of toppings.

Interviewer: Since most sprinkles are artificial, is it okay to eat a lot of sprinkles?

Ms. Simpson: Yes! Most of the sprinkles are made from cornstarch, confectioner sugar, artificial dyes, and edible wax.

If you are a fan of sweet condiments, I suggest you consume a moderate amount of sprinkles in your daily diet. Sweeteners contain a significant amount of sugar, which could be bad for your health in the long run.

However, several sprinkles have natural ingredients, such as Spicy Shrimp Flakes, Togarashi-Spiced Sprinkles, Peanut Sprinkles, and Toasted Coconut Flakes.

The organic relish could be highly beneficial to your well-being since they are natural products and provide additional nutrition alongside a few calories.

Interviewer: You pointed out that sprinkles are nutritious. Do sprinkles have massive health benefits?

Ms. Simpson: Undoubtedly! Sprinkles with natural ingredients aid your body in receiving micronutrients. Organic sprinkles like Shrimp, Hemp, and Coconut flakes are high in minerals.

Many case studies done by the US governmental bodies also suggest utilizing sprinkles in daily diet, especially for children.

These are not only flavor boosters; they also contain essential fatty acids, minerals, lean protein, and other healthful nutrients. Integrating handcrafted and non-synthetic sprinkles into children’s regular diet will help prevent many brain and heart-related problems.

Also, with supplementary taste, children will happily eat their foods without any fuss.

Interviewer: Can you name four Sprinkle types that can transform a meal drastically?

Ms. Simpson: Again, I would like to point out that various factors affect an individual’s choice of sprinkles. Some may prefer a particular brand or flavor, and sometimes shape comes into play, too.

Anyway, in my view, natural sprinkles such as Hemp Seeds, crushed Red Chilies, Shrimp Sprinkles, and crunchy Peanut Sprinkles, which are savory and high in nutrients, can significantly transform any meal to your liking.

Despite that, for people who prefer sweet servings, Nonpareils, Rainbow Jimmies, Silver Pearls, and Cinnamon Sugar can give your treats a surprising and delightful kick.

Interviewer: You have been crafting culinary arts for a long time now. Which would you say are your favorite go-to sprinkles?

Ms. Simpson: I have to be honest. I prefer nutty and crunchy sprinkles because in my decade-old experience, I have learned that they go well with various classes and kinds of dishes.

Whether they are baked-sweet foods, raw salads, or cooked fries and noodles, crunchy sprinkles seem to boost the appetite, as well as the mood.

Interviewer: What tips would give our readers who wish to incorporate sprinkles into their dishes?

Ms. Simpson: The beauty of sprinkles is their playful nature! You can mix sweet toppings with savory servings, nuts with creamy dishes, and dried and fried granules with uncooked vegetables and fruits.

So here is my tip: Start slowly and blend little by little. Do not get hasty.

Experiment, have fun, and never hesitate to get creative. There are no hard and fast rules, just delicious possibilities. 

Wrapping Up

The sprinkle possibilities are endless! The more you attempt, the greater your chances of discovering unexplored flavor medleys.

Stay tuned for the second part of our sprinkle spectacular, where we shall chat with sprinkle artists, explore unique flavor pairings, and answer more of your burning sprinkle questions.

Meanwhile, get in touch with the best online sprinkle store in Massachusetts, FlavorupSprinkles.